May 30, 2010


On Thursday, Tom picked me up at the Hotel Monteleone in New Orleans and we drove to Long Beach, where we picked up Ben at his after school program and then met Annie at their home. It was so great to see everyone.

Thursday night we went to a school function of Ben's and then went out for Chinese food. Ben picked a great restaurant.

On Friday, Tom went to work and Ben and Annie had school. I decided to hit the beach...

...which was quite chilly. Needless to say I did not get in the water.

I drove to Biloxi and with Tom's recommendation, ate a crab meat po-boy at the Ole Biloxi Schooner. It was fantastic.

Friday afternoon was spent with Ben and Annie playing outside...let's just say they are much better than me at soccer...MUCH better.

My only request for Tom...SHRIMP!

It was VERY good.

Friday night, Annie and I got our hands on two things:

1) a straightener

2) Ben's hair

His hair looked so good...but, I think we agreed that his curls look much better on him.

Saturday we went to Pensacola Beach!!!

Although conditions were not ideal (it was freezing!!), it was fun to be around the water and sand.

I had to take a picture of what I always thought was the coolest vehicle in the world, which is now an antique.